We sent our son to meet Aarifa
“At one point, our 8 year old son couldn’t get to sleep at night because he had developped a great fear from watching a horror movie at a friend’s house! It had become a painfull moment for him. We tried many many things like reading, relaxing, music, meditation… even psychomotor therapist! Nothing worked on the long term. We then sent our son to meet Aarifa and in one session he was restfull and at peace again. We are very thankfull to her and were impressed with the efficiency of her therapy.”
She was empathetic and listened to my thoughts attentively
“Aarifa was a wonderful therapist. She was empathetic and listened to my thoughts attentively. She gently guided me and put me at ease. What she taught me helped me to cope with my challenges and made me realize I was able to overcome them. I would highly recommend her.”
I was feeling stuck
“I was feeling stuck and experiencing difficulty in a significant relationship. I had been praying for guidance and feel that God answered my prayer through my encounter with Aarifa, a wise and spiritually attuned counsellor who played the role of an alchemist. I’m really grateful to her.”
I was able to overcome my Obstacles and reclaim my rest
“I was having trouble sleeping for quite some time and it had started affecting my daily life. I approached Aarifa for help with the hope of finding restful nights again. Aarifa took me through a guided meditation that helped my mind relax and brought to light what was causing the insomnia. She is an excellent listener and is very insightful. Through her guidance and coaching I was able to overcome my obstacles and reclaim my rest. She has also helped me greatly with my relationship with my son. His personality being polar opposite from mine caused us to often find ourselves at odds which was creating a very strained and unhealthy relationship. Thanks to her incredible observations of my interactions with my son and ability to understand his underlying needs, she coached me on how to rebuild my bond with my son which to this day is positive loving and full of understanding. I am forever grateful for all she has done for me. She is truly a remarkable therapist.”
She helped me identify my difficulties
“I met Aarifa as a Life Coach when I was going through a very conflicting time in my life. She helped me to identify my difficulties and look for ways to initiate positive changes in order for me to be able to reach my goals. I was unaware of how I could reach my targets and she was able to lead me through a process and help me achieve them. The outcome was very positive and I recommend her to anyone going through a challenge. She can help you transform a situation by looking at it from a perspective that is congruent with your body, mind and soul.”
I felt liberated and was able to see life from a brighter and more colorful perspective
“Aarifa is a gifted and talented therapist. Through guided meditations she helped me unravel my life, year after year, back to my infancy. Step-by-step she was able to help me collect all my experiences, taking me through my childhood traumas that were still having an affect on my adult life, preventing me from fully enjoying the present. Once I was able to more fully understand my past and identify these traumas, Aarifa helped me to change my patterns, which enabled me to fully live in the present moment, including clearing all the blockages that were hindering my relationships. After my therapy sessions with her, I felt liberated and was able to see life from a brighter and more colorful perspective. Aarifa is highly competent in her knowledge of therapy and applying the practice, and I highly recommend her to anyone wishing to take more control of their life.”
I am happier now
“I used to be stressed, sleep badly, I had lost my confidence and was feeling depressed.
Then I went to see Aarifa.
In just a few sessions, I felt lighter, I stopped being scared and anxioux and I was able to see the issues in my life from another angle, and this helped me cope better. She taught me how to regain my self-confidence and I’m happier now.”
This has been key to my success
“I started coaching with Aarifa at a time in my life when I was busy with a demanding position at work, 2 kids and the demands of juggling time between other important people, such as my family and friends. Aarifa, through her therapy and her clear and concise process, helped me develop a daily schedule and coached me on effective time management and productivity. To this day, I follow the schedule I created with her support. This has been key to my success. Aarifa truly cares about improving peoples lives and empowering them to resolve their problems. She goes out of her way to understand your issue and then works with you to find a personalized solution. One that you can implement immediately and see a huge improvement almost right away. Thank you Aarifa for helping me achieve my goals, and helping me structure my days to be more productive and fulfilling while simultaneously allowing time for the things that matter the most to me.”
I definatley recommend working with Aarifa
“I didn’t know what to expect from this workshop except that it would allow me to explore hidden avenues and help me understand myself better. Aarifa was a great and patient instructor, and we dove in at everyone’s pace in an open, understanding and non judgmental environment that she managed to create. The workshop helped me understand more about myself, and to understand that the only limits I have in my life are the limits that I put on myself. I understood how words and thoughts shape our actions and the power of affirmation. A few days later, I decided to leave a job that I didn’t enjoy and try the things that I always wanted to do, and just trust the process. I definitely recommend working with Aarifa!”
I felt rejuvenated
“It was a pleasure working with Aarifa. She made me feel comfortable enough to open up about some of my deepest issues. She has a unique way of working with clients. Aarifa is insightful and is able to give a fresh perspective on a situation. I felt rejuvenated after the session as she empowered me with her empathetic and understanding approach. She works in a holistic manner, encompassing the emotional, physical, nutritional, spiritual and environmental aspects of the individual. She is astute and genuinely cares about her clients. My session with Aarifa was one of the best sessions I have ever had. I am hoping to work with her again in the future.”
Aarifa, je tenais à t’exprimer
« Aarifa, je tenais à t’exprimer, à quel point je suis reconnaissante de ton soutien, de ta présence et de ta bonté envers moi dans sans doute, l’une des plus difficiles périodes de ma vie. Ni mes mots, ni mes actes ne seront suffisants pour te dire infiniment MERCI. Suite à mon accident, je me suis retrouvée perdue et même si, nombreux étaient les messages de soutiens que je recevais tous les jours, je me sentais très seule. La vie, nous a fait nous rencontrer à l’hôpital, comme on dit il n’y a pas de hasard… Ta sagesse, ta douceur, ton humilité, “ta zen attitude” m’ont à elles seules apaisées, puis tu m’a proposé une séance de relaxation, un retour au plus profond de moi-même en réalité, après ça je me suis sentie une envie d’aller de l’avant et d’y croire. Je ne te remercierais jamais assez Aarifa ! Certes, “il n’y a pas de comptabilité dans la bonté” mais les gens bons, comme toi, sont tellement rares de nos jours. MERCI !!!! »
Elle a cette capacité de vous mettre à l’aise instantanément
« Même si je n’ai pas eu l’occasion de faire plusieurs séances par manque de temps j’ai énormément apprécié la séance avec Aarifa. Au-delà de son professionnalisme, c’est une personne très douce, ouverte et empathique. Elle a cette capacité de vous mettre à l’aise instantanément ce qui rend la séance plus qu’agréable. Sa douceur nous pousse à nous confier et à vouloir travailler avec elle pour résoudre les différents problèmes. Je la remercie pour ses conseils et sa capacité à mettre des mots sur certaines émotions. Je recommande vivement Aarifa en tant que thérapeute. »
J’ai repris confiance en moi, confiance en l’avenir
« Suite à un divorce violent, je me suis sentie en détresse et ne savais plus quoi faire pour apaiser ma peine, puis ma route a croisé celle de Aarifa, qui m’a gentiment invitée et initiée à l’hypnose. Cette expérience nouvelle a été pour moi d’un grand secours, j’ai repris confiance en moi, confiance en l’avenir. Je continue en mode auto hypnose comme elle me l’a appris, et je dois dire que ça me fait beaucoup de bien. Je le recommande d’ailleurs souvent à des amis qui semblent en avoir besoin. Je lui serai toujours reconnaissante de m’avoir fait découvrir cet outil de bien-être extraordinaire, qu’elle pratique avec passion, compassion et compétence. »
Aarifa m’a fait découvrir ce qu’est l’hypnose et j’en suis ravie
« Aarifa m’a fait découvrir ce qu’est l’hypnose et j’en suis ravie. Les séances faites ensemble m’ont permis de me centrer sur moi-même, de diminuer le stress et de gérer les problèmes quand ils se présentent. Mille merci encore ! »